Cape Privacy allows companies to openly work across organizations to create powerful machine learning solutions via encrypted learning.


We helped Cape build their brand from the ground up and articulate their unique value proposition.

Cape Privacy

Visual Identity · Marketing Collateral · Illustration

Cape believes that great advances can be made from data sharing and machine learning. But they also believe that data privacy is a right. With their encrypted learning platform they are able to reconcile both of these goals.  

We created a visual system that showed what can be accomplished when data sharing and privacy “just work.”


The concepts of machine learning, homomorphic encryption and differential privacy are complex. Luckily we were able to work closely with Cape’s team of data scientists to gain a working knowledge of the finer points and how we could strategically showcase the unique proposition they are bringing to the industry. 



We conducted research workshops with Cape stakeholders to determine look, tone, and feel. These sessions helped us gain a greater understanding of the technology involved as well as crystalizing Cape’s underlying optimistic message that can speak to anyone no matter their level of familiarity with data science. 

Cape can unlock great advances without ever decrypting the data — all of the positives without the spectre of data leaks.

We needed to explain this underlying message first and then find ways to illustrate the technology for CEOs less well versed in machine learning.  

We created a series of graphic illustrations that hint conceptually at their technical origins while creating their own striking visual language.

Recently Cape Privacy was recognized as a RSA Innovation Sandbox Award 2021 top 10 finalist.


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